Why We Love Doing Dumb Things in MMOs

Kill ten rats, craft a linen hat and sharpen spearheads (0/20). Wow, cool stuff, let’s login to the game right away! …right? If you look closely, a lot of things to do in MMOs are super dull. Nobody in their right mind will claim that sharpening spearheads or doing dailies are the most thrilling activities … Read more

Christmas Without “Christmas” in MMORPGs

Elk mount in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (Source: ESO promotional image)

Read the following list carefully. What catches your eye? Selection of popular MMOs featuring an event around Christmas MMO Event ArcheAge Winter Maiden Festival Aion Solorius Festival EverQuest (EQ) & EverQuest 2 (EQ2) Frostfell The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) New Life Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Starlight Celebration Guild Wars 2 (GW2) Wintersday Lord of the … Read more

LOTRO vs. SWTOR: Who Handles the IP Better?

SWTOR screenshot of Yavin IV

Many games are based on pre-existing imaginary worlds. Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and Star Wars: the Old Republic (SWTOR) are two such MMO games that have become popular, not in the least due to their IP. But which of the two handles the IP better? IP and Licensing Intellectual property (IP) is an … Read more

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