MMO Blogging Dead? No, But…

mmo blogging shadow of war

“blogging about them [MMORPGs] doesn’t appear to be a thing any more.” Tobold, MMORPG blogger turned general gaming blogger, created waves with this statement. It’s a testament to his legacy in the community though that he is able to create such ripples for a community he doesn’t really place himself within any longer. It sparked … Read more

Longevity of Gaming

elder scrolls online new content

Longevity is a funny thing. It’s feels great to dive into a game and really get your money’s worth. MMORPGs are certainly at the top of the heap when it comes to replayability and longevity. Not only is there a wealth of content for one character, but unique classes/races/factions can play quite differently. Is it … Read more

Why You Should Invest in Video Games, Like Now

World of Warcraft stocks

I love video games. You probably do too or you wouldn’t be reading this (but hey, everyone is welcome). So what if I told you that your passion could make you rich? No, I’m not suggesting you enter the competitive streaming market, sell virtual gold, or start an e-sports career. What I’m suggesting is much … Read more

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