When Is an MMO Really Dead?

The moon rising over Stormwind in World of Warcraft

One of my favourite scientific mysteries is the debate over what constitutes death. You might think that’s a simple question to answer, but it’s not. People can be revived after their hearts stop, if too much time hasn’t passed. Even after the brain dies, some biological processes continue for some time, making death much less … Read more

The Impossibility of Playing Every MMO

A promotional image for the fantasy MMORPG Shaiya

An unfortunate reality core MMORPG fans have to deal with is that most of us will never have the time to play all of the MMOs that we want as much as we want. There are simply too many games out there and not enough hours in the day, and the problem only gets worse … Read more

How Playing MMOs Changed Me as a Gamer

My oldest MMO character, my rogue, shows off her guild tabard in World of Warcraft

The end of the year lends itself to introspection, to looking back. This year I’ve been looking back on my MMO career and reflecting on how things have changed over the years. I’ve been playing (and writing about) MMOs for a while now. Almost ten years. Now, I know that compared to some of you, … Read more

Christmas Without “Christmas” in MMORPGs

Elk mount in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (Source: ESO promotional image)

Read the following list carefully. What catches your eye? Selection of popular MMOs featuring an event around Christmas MMO Event ArcheAge Winter Maiden Festival Aion Solorius Festival EverQuest (EQ) & EverQuest 2 (EQ2) Frostfell The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) New Life Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Starlight Celebration Guild Wars 2 (GW2) Wintersday Lord of the … Read more

How a PvE Survival Sandbox Could Surpass PvP

A screenshot from the survival sandbox DayZ

These days it feels like you can’t swing an epic Sword of Valor in the MMO space without hitting three or four survival sandboxes. They’re the latest trend every developer is eager to jump on, following WoW clones and MOBAs. But this is one fad that’s mostly passed me by. There are a few reasons … Read more

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