Character Skill vs. Player Skill

dragon awaken auto button

If there’s one key differentiator between MMO games and other genres it’s that character skill trumps player skill. Even in games with MMO-style meta progression systems like some MOBAs and FPS games, player skill will win out in all but the most unbalanced systems (I’m looking at you Star Wars: Battlefront and the Han Solo … Read more

Sea of Thieves Highlights Our Progression Obsession

sea of thieves ship progression

Sea of Thieves is currently sitting on a 5.2 user score on Metacritic. The vast majority of complaints relate to lack of content and/or progression. Mind you, progression has never been a consideration for Rare when developing their pirate themed MMO. They weren’t hiding anything, but come release a huge community railed against the design … Read more

We Have Enough MMOs

The Wrothgar zone in Elder Scrolls Online

2017 was another year without a lot of big name releases in the MMO space. We’re definitely going through a bit of a drought, especially when compared to the post-WoW boom, and that has a lot of people in the MMORPG community worried. The more hyperbolic voices among us rush to once again declare the … Read more

Console vs. PC: Best MMO Gaming Device

pc gaming mmo

PC gaming does it all. PlayStation is the ultimate gaming device. Switch to a Switch anytime, anywhere. XBOX is more than just games. Since the dawn of time that mattered (i.e. when we could play video games at home), wars have raged to determine the best gaming device. Whether it was Atari or NES, Genesis … Read more

Niche MMOs Are the Future

Exploring Saturn's moon of Titan in the MMOFPS Destiny 2

In theory, it would seem like a good thing for an MMORPG to try to have as broad appeal as possible. And certainly it’s not a bad thing. But as is so often the case in life, good intentions can have negative consequences. Trying to make an MMO that appeals to everyone equally can do … Read more

MMO Blogging Dead? No, But…

mmo blogging shadow of war

“blogging about them [MMORPGs] doesn’t appear to be a thing any more.” Tobold, MMORPG blogger turned general gaming blogger, created waves with this statement. It’s a testament to his legacy in the community though that he is able to create such ripples for a community he doesn’t really place himself within any longer. It sparked … Read more

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