Five Ageless MMO Thrills

The updated city of Dalaran from World of Warcraft's Legion expansion

Some things just never get old. No matter how old we get, no matter how jaded we become, there are some things in life that will never fail to bring a smile to our faces. As it is in life, so it is in MMORPGs. If you play such games long enough, it’s easy to … Read more

Rethinking MMO Death Penalties

back in my day leveling

Back in my day, dying was a complete disaster in any MMORPG. Anytime my health ticked down anywhere close to zero, I started to sweat. In Ultima Online, I risked everything on my body and in my backpack. In EverQuest, I risked delevels. In Asheron’s Call, death was a not so happy middle ground between … Read more

Best MMORPG By Year: Part 1 (1996 – 2005)

the realm online in 1996

Want only the past ten years? Skip to Part 2 (2006 – 2015). MMORPGs have grown to such heights now that they warrant their own category for year end video game awards. However, MMOs evolve to a much greater extent than games from other genres. An MMORPG’s full potential might not be realized until years … Read more

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