Five MMOs with the Most Dedicated Communities

The Inn of the Prancing Pony in Lord of the Rings Online

MMORPG players are, by nature, an unusually devoted bunch. You have to be to sink hundreds or thousands of hours into a single game. But one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that some games’ communities are a bit more dedicated than most. They’re communities that will stick with a game through content gaps … Read more

F2P is Individualism; P2P is Collectivism

individualism vs collectivism

In a genre dominated as much by raiding as it is by grinding for that next level, these two revenue models invite two different styles of play. Plenty of discussion has transpired on which is best, with fair reasons on both sides. Genre fans have debated each model’s merits ad nauseam. What hasn’t been discussed … Read more

5 Most Influential MMO Innovations

An Imperial agent character in Star Wars: The Old Republic

You will often hear people complain that the MMO industry is stagnating. It’s a criticism I myself have made more than once. A full-featured MMORPG is a massive investment of time and money, so developers are understandably risk-adverse, but as a player it can be frustrating to see things move so slowly. But just because … Read more

We Have Enough MMOs

The Wrothgar zone in Elder Scrolls Online

2017 was another year without a lot of big name releases in the MMO space. We’re definitely going through a bit of a drought, especially when compared to the post-WoW boom, and that has a lot of people in the MMORPG community worried. The more hyperbolic voices among us rush to once again declare the … Read more

Emergent Storytelling Reigns Supreme

emergent story eve heist

This is a collaborative post debating merits of emergent storytelling vs. static storytelling between yours truly and Roger from Contains Moderate Peril. After reading this, make sure to check out his side of the debate! When it comes to MMOs, emergent storytelling is king. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good static story. The … Read more

The Best MMO Settings (That Aren’t Fantasy)

The Dyson Sphere Iokath in Star Wars: The Old Republic

As we’ve discussed before, fantasy MMOs heavily dominate the genre. Even if you’re a fantasy fan, it can start to feel a bit stale after a while. Maybe you want to try something else for a change. Though they are a minority, there are some solid non-fantasy MMORPGs out there. These are a few of … Read more

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