Exploring MMO Group Roles Beyond the Trinity

A shaman in World of Warcraft, a class once known for its buffing skills

The “holy trinity” of tank, healer, and DPS always has been and likely always will be one of the hot button topics of the MMO world. Often, when talking about ways to “fix” the trinity, we discuss removing tanks or healers (or both), but things can also go in the opposite direction. It’s also possible … Read more

Five Turning Points of MMO History

Achaea, a modern MUD

The ever-evolving history of MMORPGs is a fascinating one. Sometimes I almost feel like MMOs are more fun to analyze than they are to play. It’s a complex story that could fill volumes, but for today, let’s just take a look at some of the biggest turning points in the history of MMOs. Text MUDs: … Read more

MMOs Are Healthy, but the Community Isn’t

An NPC in the MMORPG Bless Online

There’s always been a lot of negativity in the MMO community, and it’s always bothered me. But lately, it seems to be getting worse, swallowing the community whole until there’s nothing left. I’m not saying there isn’t room to complain. Things aren’t perfect. While I think a lot of the concerns over monetization practices are … Read more

Rethinking MMO Death Penalties

back in my day leveling

Back in my day, dying was a complete disaster in any MMORPG. Anytime my health ticked down anywhere close to zero, I started to sweat. In Ultima Online, I risked everything on my body and in my backpack. In EverQuest, I risked delevels. In Asheron’s Call, death was a not so happy middle ground between … Read more

MMOs with the Best Class Options

A demon hunter character in World of Warcraft

Sometimes I hear people in the MMO community ask questions like, “How many classes is too many in an MMO?” And every time I hear it, it baffles me. How can there be too many options on how to play? No, the more the merrier, I say. I crave games that offer many and varied … Read more

MMOs with the Best Race Options

A Khajiit character in Elder Scrolls Online

With World of Warcraft releasing early access to some of its new allied races, the concept of playable races in MMORPGs has been on my mind as of late. All too often these days, MMOs don’t offer a choice of races, or the choices are severely underwhelming, with little to differentiate the various options beyond … Read more

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