We Have Enough MMOs

The Wrothgar zone in Elder Scrolls Online

2017 was another year without a lot of big name releases in the MMO space. We’re definitely going through a bit of a drought, especially when compared to the post-WoW boom, and that has a lot of people in the MMORPG community worried. The more hyperbolic voices among us rush to once again declare the … Read more

Christmas Without “Christmas” in MMORPGs

Elk mount in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (Source: ESO promotional image)

Read the following list carefully. What catches your eye? Selection of popular MMOs featuring an event around Christmas MMO Event ArcheAge Winter Maiden Festival Aion Solorius Festival EverQuest (EQ) & EverQuest 2 (EQ2) Frostfell The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) New Life Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Starlight Celebration Guild Wars 2 (GW2) Wintersday Lord of the … Read more

Emergent Storytelling Reigns Supreme

emergent story eve heist

This is a collaborative post debating merits of emergent storytelling vs. static storytelling between yours truly and Roger from Contains Moderate Peril. After reading this, make sure to check out his side of the debate! When it comes to MMOs, emergent storytelling is king. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good static story. The … Read more

Why MMOs Are Good

A shot from the sandbox MMORPG Black Desert

We spend a lot of time here criticizing MMOs and their community. And that’s not a bad thing. Constructive criticism is crucial for growth, and there are many mistakes and challenges dogging the world of MMORPGs. Those should be criticized. But there is a danger in becoming too bogged down in the negative. Sometimes it’s … Read more

Four Things Eastern MMOs Can Learn from the West

The Odessen Alliance in Star Wars: The Old Republic

A few weeks ago, we looked into ideas that Western MMORPGs would do well to borrow from their Eastern counterparts. Now, it seems only fair to do the reverse, for there are also areas where the East would do well to take some cues from us. To address an elephant in the room, a lot … Read more

Terms Only True MMORPG Fans Understand

Sneaky ninjas, stealing your loot

Every subculture inevitably develops its own lingo, and the MMORPG community is no exception. For a newcomer just joining the genre, it’s almost like learning an entirely new language, and once you’ve mastered the MMO parlance, it almost feels like being admitted to an elite club. Albeit an elite club that smells strongly of Cheetos … Read more

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