Best MMORPG By Year: Part 1 (1996 – 2005)

the realm online in 1996

Want only the past ten years? Skip to Part 2 (2006 – 2015). MMORPGs have grown to such heights now that they warrant their own category for year end video game awards. However, MMOs evolve to a much greater extent than games from other genres. An MMORPG’s full potential might not be realized until years … Read more

The Most Stable MMORPGs

A Romulan character in Star Trek: Online

The unfortunate truth is that MMORPGs are not games that are going to be around forever. They’re reliant on developers to continually maintain and support their servers, and eventually there comes a day when that is no longer economically viable and the game is shut down forever. Short of that, aging and unpopular games can … Read more

High Fantasy MMORPGs Still Dominate

A winged character demonstrates the high fantasy elements of World of Warcraft

MMORPGs are a genre of game that is not, shall we say, known for wild creativity and endless diversity. That is, if you play a lot of MMOs for any length of time, you’ll notice the same themes just keep coming up. This isn’t half as bad as it was a few years ago, when … Read more

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