Five MMOs That Have Changed the Most Since Launch

A screenshot from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

These days, classic and progression MMORPG servers are all the rage. That there’s a demand for these things is a testament to how much an MMO can evolve over time. After enough years, it can almost feel like playing an entirely different game. But which games have changed the most since their initial launch? Let’s … Read more

MMOs Are Healthy, but the Community Isn’t

An NPC in the MMORPG Bless Online

There’s always been a lot of negativity in the MMO community, and it’s always bothered me. But lately, it seems to be getting worse, swallowing the community whole until there’s nothing left. I’m not saying there isn’t room to complain. Things aren’t perfect. While I think a lot of the concerns over monetization practices are … Read more

Six Design Choices MMOs Should Retire

Executing an enemy in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Often, tradition can be a good thing, but not always. Sometimes traditions can be onerous or destructive, surviving only through a resigned belief that this is how things have always been, so this is how things always will be. As it is in the real world, so it is in the world of MMORPGs. There … Read more

We Have Enough MMOs

The Wrothgar zone in Elder Scrolls Online

2017 was another year without a lot of big name releases in the MMO space. We’re definitely going through a bit of a drought, especially when compared to the post-WoW boom, and that has a lot of people in the MMORPG community worried. The more hyperbolic voices among us rush to once again declare the … Read more

Subscriptions Are Still the Worst Business Model

World of Warcraft, one of the few games still maintaining a subscription business model

With all the controversy swirling around lockboxes and other monetization strategies, I see an increasing number of people pining for the day when subscriptions were the standard business model for online games. I think it might be time for a reminder of how we ended up here. There’s a reason that free to play and … Read more

MMO Blogging Dead? No, But…

mmo blogging shadow of war

“blogging about them [MMORPGs] doesn’t appear to be a thing any more.” Tobold, MMORPG blogger turned general gaming blogger, created waves with this statement. It’s a testament to his legacy in the community though that he is able to create such ripples for a community he doesn’t really place himself within any longer. It sparked … Read more

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