Exploration Is the Ultimate MMO Design Challenge

A screenshot from the Path of Fire expansion for Guild Wars 2.

Insomuch as I put any faith in the Bartle player types (which is to say not very much), I self-identify as an explorer. I play online games because I like exploring imaginary worlds, and MMORPGs are arguably the best way to do that. But while I love the idea of exploration, it’s something that a … Read more

Factions Have Outstayed Their Welcome

A Lightforged Draenei character in World of Warcraft

The hype around Battle for Azeroth has once again brought the seemingly endless conflict between World of Warcraft’s Alliance and Horde into the spotlight. Despite being a long-time WoW player, though, I find myself giving serious thought to passing on this expansion altogether for the simple reason that I have long felt the factional conflict … Read more

Comparing MMORPG Group Content

A group flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic

MMOs are, at their heart, about playing with other people. Even as a mainly solo player, I acknowledge this. To this end, developers have come up with many forms of content designed specifically to be tackled by groups, but they’re not all created equal. Each form of group content has its pros and cons. Dungeons … Read more

The Impossibility of Playing Every MMO

A promotional image for the fantasy MMORPG Shaiya

An unfortunate reality core MMORPG fans have to deal with is that most of us will never have the time to play all of the MMOs that we want as much as we want. There are simply too many games out there and not enough hours in the day, and the problem only gets worse … Read more

Five Ageless MMO Thrills

The updated city of Dalaran from World of Warcraft's Legion expansion

Some things just never get old. No matter how old we get, no matter how jaded we become, there are some things in life that will never fail to bring a smile to our faces. As it is in life, so it is in MMORPGs. If you play such games long enough, it’s easy to … Read more

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