Five Turning Points of MMO History

Achaea, a modern MUD

The ever-evolving history of MMORPGs is a fascinating one. Sometimes I almost feel like MMOs are more fun to analyze than they are to play. It’s a complex story that could fill volumes, but for today, let’s just take a look at some of the biggest turning points in the history of MMOs. Text MUDs: … Read more

Build MMOs for More Alts, Not Less

My Jedi knight alt in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I like playing alternate characters. In fact I play alts so much the concept of a “main” in my case is nebulous at best. Bouncing around between different characters with different playstyles and aesthetics keeps MMOs fresh for me. Yet always I’m left with the feeling that playing alts is a case of swimming against … Read more

When Is an MMO Really Dead?

The moon rising over Stormwind in World of Warcraft

One of my favourite scientific mysteries is the debate over what constitutes death. You might think that’s a simple question to answer, but it’s not. People can be revived after their hearts stop, if too much time hasn’t passed. Even after the brain dies, some biological processes continue for some time, making death much less … Read more

Can MMOs Provide Satisfying Endings?

The ending of The Secret World's Whispering Tide event

I’ve been thinking about endings lately. About how and if MMOs can end. I’m not talking about when games shut down — or at least not entirely — but about the stories within MMOs, and whether they can ever be given satisfying conclusions. This is a complex topic, so let me explain. The Rock and … Read more

Best PvP Systems for MMORPGs

baby knows only one pvp system can win

PvE (Player vs. Environment) systems in MMORPGs are systematically all very similar. Obviously some games deliver more enjoyable challenges from artificial intelligence than others. Yet the core gameplay boils down to the same objective: kill bad guys and take their loot. On the other hand, PvP (Player vs. Player) in MMORPGs vary widely by objective, … Read more

More Instanced Channels, Less Servers

maplestory channels

Stargrace from MMOQuests posted last week about the issue that multiple servers creates in MMOs. It’s something that really resonated with me because it’s indeed a very frustrating experience. If I know or meet somebody outside of a game who happens to play that same game, I do have a general expectation I that should … Read more

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