Christmas Without “Christmas” in MMORPGs

Elk mount in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (Source: ESO promotional image)

Read the following list carefully. What catches your eye? Selection of popular MMOs featuring an event around Christmas MMO Event ArcheAge Winter Maiden Festival Aion Solorius Festival EverQuest (EQ) & EverQuest 2 (EQ2) Frostfell The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) New Life Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Starlight Celebration Guild Wars 2 (GW2) Wintersday Lord of the … Read more

The Best MMOs for Solo Players

A solo player in World of Warcraft

To some, “solo MMO player” might sound like an oxymoron, but in reality, soloists make up one of the largest player groups in MMORPGs, and even people who do enjoy group play will usually end up playing solo some of the time. Soloing MMOs used to be a hard road, but these days most games … Read more

Longevity of Gaming

elder scrolls online new content

Longevity is a funny thing. It’s feels great to dive into a game and really get your money’s worth. MMORPGs are certainly at the top of the heap when it comes to replayability and longevity. Not only is there a wealth of content for one character, but unique classes/races/factions can play quite differently. Is it … Read more

Four Things Western MMOs Can Learn from the East

An enemy encampment in Blade and Soul

I’m not a fan of the favoritism some people have when it comes to Eastern versus Western MMORPGs. Historically, I’ve spent more time in Western games, but I’m not going to write off a whole hemisphere because of it. Ultimately, I think both regions’ design philosophies have their pros and cons, and both could benefit … Read more

Lockboxes Are Annoying, But We Should Move On

A advertisement for a lockbox in Guild Wars 2

Few issues in the MMO community stir up strong feelings the way lockboxes do. These virtual gambling devices stir up a level of hatred and vitriol unmatched by any other issue in the MMO world. And yet, they continue to propagate unchecked through our virtual worlds, despite the best efforts of the community. If I … Read more

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