Six MMOs with the Best Story-telling

Quest text from Elder Scrolls Online

Story in MMORPGs doesn’t have a great reputation. A lot of people think there are no MMOs with good story, and many others feel story is pointless in an online game, preferring the organic stories they make by playing with their friends. But I refute both positions. I think scripted story is a crucial part … Read more

Five Ageless MMO Thrills

The updated city of Dalaran from World of Warcraft's Legion expansion

Some things just never get old. No matter how old we get, no matter how jaded we become, there are some things in life that will never fail to bring a smile to our faces. As it is in life, so it is in MMORPGs. If you play such games long enough, it’s easy to … Read more

MMOs with the Best Race Options

A Khajiit character in Elder Scrolls Online

With World of Warcraft releasing early access to some of its new allied races, the concept of playable races in MMORPGs has been on my mind as of late. All too often these days, MMOs don’t offer a choice of races, or the choices are severely underwhelming, with little to differentiate the various options beyond … Read more

We Have Enough MMOs

The Wrothgar zone in Elder Scrolls Online

2017 was another year without a lot of big name releases in the MMO space. We’re definitely going through a bit of a drought, especially when compared to the post-WoW boom, and that has a lot of people in the MMORPG community worried. The more hyperbolic voices among us rush to once again declare the … Read more

Christmas Without “Christmas” in MMORPGs

Elk mount in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) (Source: ESO promotional image)

Read the following list carefully. What catches your eye? Selection of popular MMOs featuring an event around Christmas MMO Event ArcheAge Winter Maiden Festival Aion Solorius Festival EverQuest (EQ) & EverQuest 2 (EQ2) Frostfell The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) New Life Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Starlight Celebration Guild Wars 2 (GW2) Wintersday Lord of the … Read more

The Best MMOs for Solo Players

A solo player in World of Warcraft

To some, “solo MMO player” might sound like an oxymoron, but in reality, soloists make up one of the largest player groups in MMORPGs, and even people who do enjoy group play will usually end up playing solo some of the time. Soloing MMOs used to be a hard road, but these days most games … Read more

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