Five MMOs That Have Changed the Most Since Launch

A screenshot from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

These days, classic and progression MMORPG servers are all the rage. That there’s a demand for these things is a testament to how much an MMO can evolve over time. After enough years, it can almost feel like playing an entirely different game. But which games have changed the most since their initial launch? Let’s … Read more

Five Turning Points of MMO History

Achaea, a modern MUD

The ever-evolving history of MMORPGs is a fascinating one. Sometimes I almost feel like MMOs are more fun to analyze than they are to play. It’s a complex story that could fill volumes, but for today, let’s just take a look at some of the biggest turning points in the history of MMOs. Text MUDs: … Read more

Build MMOs for More Alts, Not Less

My Jedi knight alt in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I like playing alternate characters. In fact I play alts so much the concept of a “main” in my case is nebulous at best. Bouncing around between different characters with different playstyles and aesthetics keeps MMOs fresh for me. Yet always I’m left with the feeling that playing alts is a case of swimming against … Read more

Exploration Is the Ultimate MMO Design Challenge

A screenshot from the Path of Fire expansion for Guild Wars 2.

Insomuch as I put any faith in the Bartle player types (which is to say not very much), I self-identify as an explorer. I play online games because I like exploring imaginary worlds, and MMORPGs are arguably the best way to do that. But while I love the idea of exploration, it’s something that a … Read more

Six MMOs with the Best Story-telling

Quest text from Elder Scrolls Online

Story in MMORPGs doesn’t have a great reputation. A lot of people think there are no MMOs with good story, and many others feel story is pointless in an online game, preferring the organic stories they make by playing with their friends. But I refute both positions. I think scripted story is a crucial part … Read more

Factions Have Outstayed Their Welcome

A Lightforged Draenei character in World of Warcraft

The hype around Battle for Azeroth has once again brought the seemingly endless conflict between World of Warcraft’s Alliance and Horde into the spotlight. Despite being a long-time WoW player, though, I find myself giving serious thought to passing on this expansion altogether for the simple reason that I have long felt the factional conflict … Read more

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