Five MMOs with the Most Dedicated Communities

The Inn of the Prancing Pony in Lord of the Rings Online

MMORPG players are, by nature, an unusually devoted bunch. You have to be to sink hundreds or thousands of hours into a single game. But one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that some games’ communities are a bit more dedicated than most. They’re communities that will stick with a game through content gaps … Read more

How to Fix Lockboxes

A legendary skin from Overwatch's ubiquitous lockboxes

Lockboxes. Oh, yes, we’re talking about them again. The endless controversy over this most-maligned monetization practice has players constantly clamoring for lockboxes to be banned (with some success in certain regions), but I don’t feel that banning them outright is the way to go. It’s not as if developers are simply going to shrug and … Read more

The Impossibility of Playing Every MMO

A promotional image for the fantasy MMORPG Shaiya

An unfortunate reality core MMORPG fans have to deal with is that most of us will never have the time to play all of the MMOs that we want as much as we want. There are simply too many games out there and not enough hours in the day, and the problem only gets worse … Read more

Six Design Choices MMOs Should Retire

Executing an enemy in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Often, tradition can be a good thing, but not always. Sometimes traditions can be onerous or destructive, surviving only through a resigned belief that this is how things have always been, so this is how things always will be. As it is in the real world, so it is in the world of MMORPGs. There … Read more

Six Features no MMO Should Launch Without

My sorcerer showing off her new outfit in Elder Scrolls Online

Lately I’ve been having a lot of fun with the new outfit system in Elder Scrolls Online. It’s a good system with a lot of options, and it’s helped me enjoy the game a lot more. But there’s a part of me that’s still a bit resentful it took them this long to add an … Read more

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