Five MMOs That Have Changed the Most Since Launch

A screenshot from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

These days, classic and progression MMORPG servers are all the rage. That there’s a demand for these things is a testament to how much an MMO can evolve over time. After enough years, it can almost feel like playing an entirely different game. But which games have changed the most since their initial launch? Let’s … Read more

Five Turning Points of MMO History

Achaea, a modern MUD

The ever-evolving history of MMORPGs is a fascinating one. Sometimes I almost feel like MMOs are more fun to analyze than they are to play. It’s a complex story that could fill volumes, but for today, let’s just take a look at some of the biggest turning points in the history of MMOs. Text MUDs: … Read more

Five Ageless MMO Thrills

The updated city of Dalaran from World of Warcraft's Legion expansion

Some things just never get old. No matter how old we get, no matter how jaded we become, there are some things in life that will never fail to bring a smile to our faces. As it is in life, so it is in MMORPGs. If you play such games long enough, it’s easy to … Read more

Rethinking MMO Death Penalties

back in my day leveling

Back in my day, dying was a complete disaster in any MMORPG. Anytime my health ticked down anywhere close to zero, I started to sweat. In Ultima Online, I risked everything on my body and in my backpack. In EverQuest, I risked delevels. In Asheron’s Call, death was a not so happy middle ground between … Read more

Why MMOs Are Good

A shot from the sandbox MMORPG Black Desert

We spend a lot of time here criticizing MMOs and their community. And that’s not a bad thing. Constructive criticism is crucial for growth, and there are many mistakes and challenges dogging the world of MMORPGs. Those should be criticized. But there is a danger in becoming too bogged down in the negative. Sometimes it’s … Read more

MMORPGs With Good Roleplaying

MMORPG Roleplaying - keep calm and roleplay

Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Considering what the acronym stands for, one would think more MMORPGs would entail at least some form of roleplay. However, RPG has become near synonymous with increasing stats through levels and equipment. This has carried into MMORPGs. The primary content in an MMORPG isn’t designed around immersion and living an … Read more

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